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Readers and Therapists

Venue: The top 2 floors of Get Together

Coffee Shop & Lounge Bar, Abergavenny

Readings & Therapies run between 10.30am-5pm

Rune Stone Readings

with Alex Belojica


The ancient art of Runes connects you to a past link with Norse Mythology, the culture and heritage of

Northern Europe.

 Readings with Alex can guide  & help you to find direction in your life. 

The Runes are practical, earthy and intriguing while also being helpful and encouraging.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Angel Card Readings

& Guardian Angel Portraits

with Heidi Norman

Readings £20,

Reading with portrait £30

Angel card readings are gentle & beautiful way of connecting to your Guardian Angels and to receive messages and guidance. 

Using an Angel Oracle Deck that Heidi has designed herself (and will have for sale) you will receive beautiful affirmations

and help with your pathway in life. 

Heidi will also be offering portraits of your Guardian Angels. 

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Sunflower Holistic Therapies and Sound Experience

with Katrina

Surya Kalkwarf


Amanda is a Spiritual Medium who will give you messages through

direct source to your loved-one's,

offering guidance for your

spiritual path

Walk-in appointments only,

subject to availability.


with Jane



Jane will be offering Reiki Therapies at the festival. 

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. 

A treatment with Jane feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.


Spiritual Medium

and Energy Reader

Matthew Lee


Matthew works in a very unique way with spirit and his own guides to bring you a reading.

Using 3 decks of cards

and engaging with you,

Matthew works to get the best out of your reading.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Ceriann August

Tarot Card Readings


Ceriann describes herself as working with the gentleness, insight and

self-searching qualities of Tarot.

Find out what the future has

in store for you.

On facebook as 'Raven-Song Tarot', Ceriann will be offering readings all weekend with her

husband Bill August.

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Palm Readings

with Pamela


Pamela has given readings worldwide, with a residency for many years in Spain. 

Prints of your hands will be taken,

in order for Pamela to use the unique combination of lines and features  

to read your pre-destined life-path.

It is believed that a person's personalities, fortune and future can all be seen on their palm!

Pamela will also be giving an 'Introduction to Palmistry' workshop on the Friday of the festival. 

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Bill has been working with spirit for 30 years. His wicked sense of humour takes nothing away from the

amazing gift that he has, in communicating with spirit. 

Bill will also be with us on the Friday evening, with his stage show 'The first 30 years are the worst'.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Psychic Medium 

Bill August


Spiritual Medium 

 Amanda Scarfe


Katrina will be offering Reiki Healing, Enhanced Therapies, Reflexology,

 Holistic Massage and

the unique Sound Experience.

Katrina is also giving a workshop on the wonderful benefits of Sound Healing and finding your own voice, on the Friday of the festival.

Walk-in appointments accepted on the day, subject to availability.

Hair Sparkles


Hair Sparkle strands are tied directly to the root of your hair and last between a week and a month or two (until your hair strand falls out naturally). Style and wash as usual. 

Suitable for children too! 

Walk-in appointments only

Subject to availability

Tarot Readings with Medium & Spiritualist

Francesca Alice


During a reading with Francesca she will connect to spirit using Tarot and Clairvoyance as well as psychometry (also known as token-object reading) to give you a message and life direction.

Francesca has been working for 10 years and also runs a Ghost Hunting business with her partner. 

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.



Colin has professionally read Tarot for over 10 years, under the name 'Ursa Tarot'.

Based in Abergavenny, Colin also runs regular workshops and courses to teach you how to intuitively read Tarot cards, we are lucky enough to have Colin available for a workshop on the Friday of the festival.

During your reading you will be offered a number of decks to be read with, including a 'Banksy' Tarot deck which Colin has designed himself. 

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Colin Robertson

Intuitive Tarot Card Reader


Sarah will be offering various treatments on the day. 

Please note that no oils are used on the head during the

Indian Head Massage treatment.

Sarah also offers these treatments every Tuesday and Thursday at 'The Cwtch - Ethnic Elegance'.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Indian Head Massage,

Reflexology or

Spiritual Healing

with Sarah Morgan


Angel Card,

Life Card and

Past Life Card Readings with

Shelly Palmer


Shelly remembers her first encounter with spirit at the age of just 2!

Using a variety of cards, you will receive a reading for life guidance and

messages from spirit. 

Shelly also sees auras and uses her gift as a Medium to get the most out of your reading.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

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