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Readers and Therapists

Venue: The top 2 floors of Get Together

Coffee Shop & Lounge Bar, Abergavenny

Readings & Therapies run between 10.30am-5pm


with Psio Sephajr-Zoff


Psio is passionate about Numerology,
an ancient language of numbers hidden within everyday words, names and dates. The numbers resonate, vibrate and rhythmically manifest through us as mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy.

Chaldean Numerology reveals our personality, character traits, skills and qualities. It can help explain why we do and feel the things we do, and significantly point us in the direction of our calling and purpose.

Psio posseses a natural talent and passion for seeing things numerically and empathically & has assisted many people along the path to self-discovery, happiness, personal growth and empowerment.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Indian Head Massage,

Reflexology or

Spiritual Healing

with Sarah Morgan


Sarah will be offering various treatments on the day. 

Please note that no oils are used on the head during the

Indian Head Massage treatment.

Sarah also offers these treatments every Tuesday and Thursday at 'The Cwtch - Ethnic Elegance'.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Indian Head Massage,

Reflexology or

Spiritual Healing

with Sarah Morgan


Stuart Absalom 

Psychic Art




Stuart channels spirit guides and

loved-one's while drawing, to produce the most beautiful portraits for you to


Allow 40mins for your sitting,

many choose to meditate or bring a book for this time, while Stuart sketches.

Spaces are very limited due to the time these portraits take so you may need to turn up earlier in the day to book for later on as Stuart will only be doing a handful of sittings.

Once he has shown you your drawing, he will take it away to add shading and it can then be collected from

'The Cwtch - Ethnic Elegance' or 

posted it to you.

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Ceriann describes herself as working with the gentleness, insight and

self-searching qualities of Tarot.

Find out what the future has

in store for you.

On facebook as 'Raven-Song Tarot', Ceriann will be offering readings all weekend with her

husband Bill August.

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Ceriann August

Tarot Card Readings


Rune Stone Readings

with Alex Belojica


The ancient art of Runes connects you to a past link with Norse Mythology, the culture and heritage of

Northern Europe.

 Readings with Alex can guide  & help you to find direction in your life. 

The Runes are practical, earthy and intriguing while also being helpful and encouraging.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Bill has been working with spirit for 30 years. His wicked sense of humour takes nothing away from the

amazing gift that he has, in communicating with spirit. 

Bill will also be with us on the Friday evening, with his stage show 'The first 30 years are the worst'.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.


Bowen Technique

& Scar Tissue Therapy

with Margaret Gallacher


Margaret Gallacher of

'A Gentle Touch Holistic Therapies'

will be offering various non-invasive treatments on the Saturday.

During the Bowen Technique, thumbs and fingers are used to perform a set of rolling-type moves that stimulate the muscles and soft tissue. 

Scar Tissue Therapy works to alleviate restrictions and/ or discomfort the underlying tissue has made

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Colin Robertson

Intuitive Tarot Card Reader


Colin has professionally read Tarot for over 10 years, under the name 'Ursa Tarot'.

Based in Abergavenny, Colin also runs regular workshops and courses to teach you how to intuitively read Tarot cards, we are lucky enough to have Colin available for a workshop on the Friday of the festival.

During your reading you will be offered a number of decks to be read with, including a 'Banksy' Tarot deck which Colin has designed himself. 

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Palm Readings

with Pamela


Tarot & Mediumship Readings

with Sharon Andrews


Sharon is a local Medium and

Tarot Card Reader who is regularly

booked-up months in advance. 

One of the monthly resident

Tarot Readers at

'The Cwtch - Ethnic Elegance', Sharon is popular due to word-of-mouth.

Using her own spirit guides, Sharon connects to the world of spirit to give you a gentle yet straight reading.

Walk-in appointments only, 

subject to availability.

Pamela has given readings worldwide, with a residency for many years in Spain. 

Prints of your hands will be taken,

in order for Pamela to use the unique combination of lines and features  

to read your pre-destined life-path.

It is believed that a person's personalities, fortune and future can all be seen on their palm!

Pamela will also be giving an 'Introduction to Palmistry' workshop on the Friday of the festival. 

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Liz, of 'Healing with Angels' will be offering healing treatments using the beautiful energies of Angelic Reiki. By giving Reiki and working with your angels, Liz can improve your wellbeing and rebalance your

chakras, improving both your

physical and emotional well-being.

Liz completes the session with a mini Angel Card Reading, to round-up your Angelic experience.

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Angelic Reiki

with Liz Maglaras


Samantha, of 'Little Oasis Therapies' will be offering low-cost taster sessions as well as full sessions of upper-body massages. 

Take some time out for you and relax while feeling the benefit that massage has on the body and mind.


Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.



Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage

Indian Head Massage 


Lara Amazing

Mediumship & Tarot


Lara works as a Healer, Medium, Spiritualist and Tarot Card Reader.


During the festival Lara is doing a Medium night, taking to the stage on the Saturday, as well as offering one-to-one readings  with her partner Ben on the Saturday day.

Walk-in appointments accepted

on the day, subject to availability.

Psychic Medium 

Bill August


'The Cwtch - Ethnic Elegance, Abergavenny' bring you a weekend of

spiritual enlightenment and wellbeing.

Thank you to 'Get Together Coffee Shop & Lounge bar for the use of their wonderful function space.


Please pay attention to booking and payment info to avoid disappointment.

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